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Access to records

You are entitled to see personal information that is held in your computer record and we are happy for you to have access to your own medical notes. If you wish to access your records, please either put your request in writing or use our ask reception a question form to gain your doctor’s permission to do so. Please note, your doctor may withhold information that relates to a third party or that may be damaging to your own personal health and wellbeing.

Your doctor may release your personal medical details to other health related bodies involved in your care, i.e. to hospitals, to social services or to the community health team. We will only release information that is relevant and will always respect your right to confidentiality.

Your doctor may be asked to complete reports with details of your medical history, for example if you have applied for benefits or for insurance purposes or if you are pursuing a claim through solicitors. If you have signed a consent form for us to release such information this will be forwarded on to the relevant party.

Page published: 12 February 2025
Last updated: 12 February 2025